1. Introduction
This user guide provides detailed steps for the Periodic Review process, covering actions from receiving notifications to reviewing and tracking the status of instructions.
2. Accessing Periodic Review Notifications
When it's time to review an instruction, the assigned reviewer will receive an email notification. Upon logging into the application, the reviewer will also see a notification at the top of the screen. Click on this notification to start the review process.
3. Reviewing Instructions Due for Review
After clicking on the notification, the reviewer will be directed to a page displaying all instructions due for review. Under each instruction, the reviewer has the following options for procedure:
a. Previewing Procedure
Click on "Preview" to view the procedure content before making a decision.
b. Accepting Procedure
If the procedure is suitable and requires no changes, click "Accept" to approve the review.
c. Rejecting Instructions
If changes or corrections are needed, click "Reject" to provide comments on why the procedure is not suitable for approval.
4. Tracking Review Actions
After completing the review process, actions are tracked for audit purposes and revision history:
a. Approved Procedures
If the procedure is accepted, it continues to be live, and there is no need to publish a new version.
The approval action is recorded in the audit trail and revision history.
b. Rejected Procedures
If the procedure is rejected, the author is notified, and the rejection comments are provided.
The rejection action is tracked in the audit trail and revision history.
Video Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQcGl8la_4o
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