These are the latest release notes for CDS Visual Mentor.
This is version 2.4. This has new capabilities and bug fixes as noted below.
What's New
· Set Viewpoint from Animation pane
We are excited to announce the latest update to our software, introducing creating or modifying viewpoint from an animation pane. This enables users to reset the viewpoint or modify viewpoint according to the created animation and need.
Tutorial Video – Set Viewpoint from Animation pane
· Set Labels at a step
Now users can create the labels at a step level. While creating step or animation users can create the labels and associate for that step. Additionally, there is provision to create global labels which can be enabled for all steps.
Tutorial Video – Set Labels at a step
· Set Multimedia files at a step
With this feature, now the users can set the multimedia files at a step level. This option enables capability to add images and videos to the step.
Tutorial Video – Set Multimedia files at a step
Note – The media files which are not linked to any step will not be shown anywhere in viewer app or preview mode.
Further details:
- Users can upload the media files in Studio and that is visible only at Welcome and Safety steps in preview and viewer app.
- The media file is required to be linked at specific step for showing in viewer app or preview mode it at that step. Check the above video to know more on how to link the media media visible at any step.
- Viewer app users can now download the pdf for the procedures when they login to app
- Animation preview from studio now shows the viewpoints associated with that step
- Editing animation will show the viewpoint associated with that by default
- Editing of procedure information now allows to edit the type of procedure (core/pre-requisite)
Bug Fixes
- When fade effect is applied using model tree now it sets correct fade effect
Known Issue
- Textures and material mismatch from original import file to Studio rendered
- Unable to apply texture and bump map in studio sometimes
- Thumbnail image are not getting displayed in work instruction page
Coming Soon
- Image annotator feature in Studio
- Preview of complete sequence in Studio
- 3D Toolbox of machine tools for usage in animation creation
- Custom tools importing in Studio
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