Release Notes – 12/19/2022
These are the latest release notes for CDS Visual Mentor.
This is the version 1.2. This has new studio capabilities and bug fixes as noted below.
What's New
Features added to Studio
- Exploded view creation: Mentor added 3D model explosion creation which can be created with auto explode mode and manually in CDS Studio. These exploded view can be saved so that it is visible in viewer application.
- Fade-in/Fade-out effect: Mentor added the fade-in/fade-out effect which can be used while creating animations in CDS Studio.
- Multiple component selection during animation creation: Mentor added the multiple components selection for animation creation where multiple parts can be selected together in a step or frame.
- Multiple component selection during material change: Mentor added the multiple components selection for applying the change of materials where multiple parts can be selected together.
- Set to Home position: Mentor added the one-click feature to move the component of CAD to its default location. This is useful to move parts back to its original CAD position like during assembling sequence.
- Question creation: Questions can be created in Step description with either options or field text. These questions will be visible in trainee viewer app and data is stored for later view for trainer.
Instruction Approval Workflow
Mentor added manager approval process for procedures to ensure quality assurance after creation and editing/updating of procedures. This feature adds one level of review and approval mechanism to publish the procedure before making it live. Now in addition to self-approval, users can also choose to get it reviewed and approved from another trainer in the system. This feature is called as Manager Approval in Mentor.
Tablet and Phone resolution supported
Mentor added handheld devices resolution support for the web application.
Print/Download/Email QR code
Mentor allows users to access procedures by scanning QR codes that instantly brings content created in Augmented Reality or Mixed Reality applications. Trainer can now download the QR code in PDF format or directly print that QR code. Additionally Trainer can email QR code to trainees from the Mentor application.
Bug Fixes
Corrected the default zoom-level and view point for the model in studio and trainee application.
Issue with deletion of frame in animation is corrected.
Corrected the display of label, media references in trainee app.
Corrected the CAD components display view while preview of animation in studio. Now all parts will be visible which are used during animation.
Issues related to the formatting options in step description are fixed. Now the color, style can be easily applied to the description text.
- Label name creation shows the component reference instead of showing random numbers.
- During animation creation, the position and rotation field are limited to 2 decimal points making it easy to enter number manually.
Known Issue
Intermittently in case of working with multiple procedures concurrently is leading to model availability and data inconsistency issue. This is will be released with hotfix.
Studio user experience is improved for ease of use.
Coming Soon
Model tree availability in animation pane to manage hide/show of parts easily
Model tree availability in materials pane to manage color/material change of parts easily, including the inner parts not directly accessible
3D Toolbox of machine tools for usage in animation creation
Custom tools importing in Studio
Analytics & reporting
Faster loading time for 3D model in studio and viewer
Preview of complete sequence in Studio
Multilingual support
Variant Work Instructions
Edit WI with CAD replacement
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